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Scotty P Inspiration Articles
You're More Than a Face In The Crowd
Never settle for the status quo. The life of a 21st century American can be extremely busy. We all have so many different things to do on...
Using Pain As Fuel For Our Life's Fire
Pain is essential for us to live the life we desire. Pain is something that is inevitable in life. No matter your age or occupation, no...
Using Emergency Joys To Escape Your Darkest Hour
Rock Bottom is a dark place, but you have what it takes to climb out. Eminem wrote a song back in 1999 titled “Rock Bottom,” in which...
The Key To Eradicating Negativity From Your Life
Negativity doesn't have to consume your life. Throughout a typical day there are thousands of thoughts trying to scratch and claw their...
The Hotel Of Your Mind: Which Guests Will You Allow To Check In
Your mind is engaging in a never ending battle between positivity and negativity. As a teenager I can remember my 11th grade teacher...
Running Your Own Race
Focus on your own path instead of competing with others. Ever since the dawn of time people have been competing against one another. From...
Ridding Yourself Of The "Everyone... Except Me" Mentality
Focusing on what you don't have is recipe for unhappiness You’re walking down the street and you see someone driving a half a million...
Living Life One Day At A Time
Life is made up of each day's small treasures. The future is the ultimate thief. It occupies people’s minds and leaves them unable to...
Letting Go Of What You Can't Control
There is no sense worrying about what's out of your hands. Worrying. We all do it, some more than others. But every single person is...
In A World Filled With Inconsistencies, Turn To God
God is the one consistent thing in this world. Life is filled with inconsistencies. It can be tough to find a consistent balance in your...
How You Act Is A Reflection Of How You Talk To Yourself
How you feel about yourself on the inside will show on the outside. “I hate myself.” “No one likes me.” “I don’t feel like facing the...
Gaining Approval From The Person That Matters Most... You
Look for approval within, rather then seeking it elsewhere Remember when you were in high school, probably freshman or sophomore year,...
Experiencing Failure? It Means You're Succeeding.
We have been looking at failure all wrong. College is a time of many great joys and new experiences, but it's also a time to experience...
Confusing Your Self-Perception With Reality
Finding happiness in life takes work, just like anything else. There are two different places where you can choose to live your life. The...
Coloring Outside Of Society's Lines
Staying inside the lines will only get you so far Art Class in second grade: “Scott, make sure you color inside the lines, you don’t want...
Becoming Comfortable With The Uncomfortable
Growth occurs when life gets uncomfortable The definition of comfortable according to is “providing physical ease and...
Advice To Last A Lifetime
Advice for the ups and downs in life Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to meet multiple influential people, mostly through...
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